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Launch Time Love for your Writer Friend


Writing is a solitary business, and friends and loved ones can be a great support, especially during the days leading to a book's launch. Here's my list of wonderful things my friends have done to help smooth the path to launch day. Feel free to add ideas to the list!

  • Like, Follow, Friend, Pin and otherwise engage with your writer on social media.

  • Buy the book!

  • Write a positive review of the book to post on Amazon, Goodreads, Twitter, other social media and/or your own blog. These reviews are very important to your writer!

  • Share social media announcements on launch day, before book events and any other time you're moved to share the love.

  • Attend the writer's book events and bring your friends.

  • Tell your friends, book clubs, discussion groups and others about the book and send them to the writer's website to learn more.

  • Sign up for the writer's website newsletter

  • Recommend the book to your favorite bookstore or organization for a book talk or signing, and let the writer know about it.

  • Provide feedback and help on book talk topics, props, giveaways, wardrobe, launch party and anything else your writer needs.

  • Tell your writer it's all going to be just fine!

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